Both The Studio and The Original suit taller people as these Reformers and carriages are full sized, however, there are a few additional benefits with The Studio.
The Studio’s overall frame sits naturally higher than our other models. This Reformer also provides an additional level for the springs to have longer tension, increasing the travel time for the springs (which helps when you have long legs).
We also recommend to place both carriage stoppers in the “UP” position as this prevents the carriage from closing too close to the foot bar to prevent those with long legs from feeling cramped. Lastly, our foot bars have many available positions and we find that the best one for taller people is the third position from the bottom as this gives comfort in the lying series for optimal range of motion when bending your knees
Here is an example of Chris, our own CFO (192cm/6ft 3 inches). As you can see, he is able to comfortably utilise our Reformers.
Watch the video below for instructions on how to set up The Studio as an example, to match your height requirements: